  • Project number: 2021-1-LV01-KA210-SCH-000031400
  • Period: 01/11/2021 – 30/04/2023 (18month)
  • Aim of the project: to develop and test innovative teaching materials according to learner’s perceptions, perceptual features and learning styles, as well as to promote the teachers' professional development and experience exchange in distance learning

Total funding of the project: lump sum of EUR 60000,00 funded by EU

Leading organization: Jelgava District Correspondence School (LV)

Partner Organisations: Esquare (FR), Drustvo Bodi svetloba (SL), Oulun aikuislukio, Oulun kaupunki (FI)

Associated partner: Riga Technical University

Objectives of the project:

  • O1: Teacher’s education and experience exchange about the latest discoveries in developing teaching materials and the latest learning techniques;
  • O2: Research and determination of perception types of learners;
  • O3: Development of innovative teaching materials based on the results of made research on perception types and following researchers guidelines on learning techniques;
  • O4: Approbation/testing of created teaching materials;
  • O5: Preparation of a teaching materials/guidelines on use of types of perceptions in teaching;
  • O6: Dissemination of information about the project.

Main activities:

  • 4 sets of LTT activities  (3 for each partner), that each last for 7 days (5 activity days and 2 for travelling) and during which two representatives from each partner entity participate, to ensure the experiences exchange and the work on planned project results
  • to develop learning materials adapted to learners' perception types, that improve learners' opportunities for self-directed learning and reduce the risks of dropping out;
  • gather the knowledge and information gained during the project into a single material.

Find more information about the implemented project activities in partners web-sites and social media accounts:

Latvia: web-page;

Finland: web-page;

Slovenia: web-pagefacebooklinkedininstagram;

France: web-pagefacebooklinkedininstagram